Phone Coverage Solutions for Critical-Need Sectors of Business and Government
Unlike general answering services, which handle calls for many types of businesses, we specialize in custom phone coverage solutions for specific industries and agencies. Our clients provide critical-need services and response, including propane and heating oil companies, spill response cleanup contractors, and State environmental agencies with spill reporting hotlines.
We Know Your Industry
We are a division of PERS (Professional Emergency Resource Services). For more than 25 years, PERS has provided compliance services to propane, fuel oil, and other industries, including assistance with spills resources and reporting. Every operator is trained to know your business and handle each call exactly as your company has requested. Answer After-hours is uniquely qualified and the best choice to meet your needs.
Our Mission
Our mission is to be recognized as the premiere nationwide answering service for critical-need sectors of business and government. We can accomplish this by providing industry-specific solutions to meet the unique needs of our customer. We are committed to providing a service that is efficient and reliable. Our operators will strive to answer every call in a professional manner and provide the highest level of customer service possible. This will be achieved through the effort and cooperation of highly professional employees who share a commitment to teamwork and long-term growth and success of our company.
-- PERS AnswerAfter-Hours
24/7 Nationwide Coverage
Answer After-Hours delivers absolutely the best industry-specific telephone coverage solutions, but don't let our name fool you; we are ready to answer your calls anytime that you need, day or night. Our nationwide service is cost-effective and easy to use. Simply forward your phones to an assigned toll-free number, it's just that easy. Plus, we provide a variety of call packages to choose from to match the season or expected call volume.